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16 Best Android Hacking Apps Collection 2024 Free

16 Best Android Hacking Apps Collection 2024 Free
Samjho Sekho Sekhao can provide you 16 Best Android Hacking Apps Collection 2024.

Certainly! If you’re interested in ethical hacking and want to explore Android hacking apps, here’s a curated list of some powerful tools you can use on your rooted or non-rooted Android devices. Remember, these tools are meant for educational purposes, and always seek permission before performing any penetration testing on a device:

Note- Most of these apps will work on rooted Android phones And Not Tested🌚 Try At Your Own Risk

1.    Kali Linux NetHunter:

o    The first open-source penetration testing platform for Android-powered Nexus devices and OnePlus One.

o    Supports features like wireless 802.11 frame injection, HID keyboard, 1-click MANA Evil Access Point setups, and BadUSB MITM attacks.

o    You can explore the full Kali Linux toolset and connect to the App Store.

o    Download Kali Linux NetHunter1.

2.    AndroRAT:

o    Stands for Android and RAT (Remote Administrative Tools).

o    Allows remote control of an Android system without direct interaction with the phone.

o    Features include data collection (contacts, call logs, location), making phone calls, sending texts, and more.

o    Download AndroRAT.

3.    Hackode:

o    A versatile app for penetration testing and ethical hacking.

o    Offers functionalities like scanning, reconnaissance, and exploitation.

o    Includes tools for network discovery, SQL injection, and more.

o    Learn more about Hackode.

4.    zANTI:

o    A comprehensive network security assessment tool.

o    Helps identify vulnerabilities, perform network scans, and analyze network traffic.

o    Explore zANTI.

5.    FaceNiff:

o    Allows you to intercept and monitor network traffic over Wi-Fi.

o    Useful for analyzing security flaws in web applications.

o    Check out FaceNiff.

6.    Aispyer:

o    A mobile spy app that can track calls, messages, and other activities.

o    Useful for monitoring devices with proper consent.

o    Learn more about Aispyer.

7.    Shark For Root:

o    A traffic sniffer tool for Android devices.

o    Captures packets and helps analyze network traffic.

o    Explore Shark For Root.


Remember to use these tools responsibly and always respect privacy and legal boundaries. Happy hacking! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

Read More: Learn Firewall in Cryptography and Network Security


What is Ethical Hacking?

What is Ethical Hacking?
We cleared our concept of Ethical Hacking because we also provided you free Android Hacking Apps Collection for free.

Ethical hacking is the practice of performing security assessments using the same techniques that hackers use but with proper approvals and authorization from the organization you’re hacking into. The goal is to use cybercriminals’ tactics, techniques, and strategies to locate potential weaknesses and reinforce an organization’s protection from data and security breaches12.

Here are some key differences between ethical hacking and malicious hacking:


Ethical Hackers (White-Hat Hackers):


  • Purpose: Ethical hackers are hired specifically to help find and secure vulnerabilities that may be susceptible to a cyber-attack.
  • Authorization: They have the approval of the company that hires them.
  • Activities: Ethical hackers assess systems and networks, regularly report their findings, and work to improve security.
  • Examples of Activities: Developing strong security structures, maintaining security systems, and creating tools like ad blockers and firewalls.


Malicious Hackers (Black-Hat Hackers):


o    Purpose: Black-hat hackers illegally break into victim networks with malicious intent.

o    Activities: They disrupt systems, steal or destroy data, and engage in harmful activities.

o    Examples of Activities: Breaking into computer networks, writing malware, and accessing accounts without permission.


In summary, ethical hacking aims to strengthen an organization’s security by proactively identifying vulnerabilities, while malicious hacking seeks to exploit weaknesses for harmful purposes. Ethical hackers play a crucial role in defending against cybercrime and enhancing information security. 🕵️‍♂️🔒

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What are some common types of cyber-attacks?

Certainly! Cyber-attacks come in various forms, each with its own methods and objectives. Here are some common types of cyber-attacks:


1.    Malware:

o    Malware, short for malicious software, encompasses various subsets:

§  Ransomware: In a ransomware attack, the adversary encrypts a victim’s data and demands payment for the decryption key.

§  Fileless Malware: Utilizes native, legitimate tools within a system to execute attacks without installing additional code.

§  Spyware: Collects information about a user’s web activity without their knowledge.

§  Adware: Watches online activity to determine which ads to display.

§  Trojan: Appears as legitimate software but hides malicious intent.

§  Worms: Self-replicating programs that spread to other computers.


o    Malware is the most common type of cyber-attack.

2.    Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks:

o    Overwhelm a system’s resources, rendering it unable to respond to legitimate service requests.

3.    Phishing:

o    Deceptive communication where attackers impersonate trusted entities to trick users into revealing sensitive information.

4.    Spoofing:

o    Fake’s identity information to gain unauthorized access.

5.    Identity-Based Attacks:

Target user credentials, such as username-password combinations.

6.    Code Injection Attacks:

o    Exploit vulnerabilities to inject malicious code into applications.

7.    Supply Chain Attacks:

o    Target vulnerabilities in third-party software or components.

8.    Insider Threats:

o    Attacks from within an organization by employees or contractors.

9.    DNS Tunneling:

o    Abuses DNS protocols to bypass security controls.

10.                IoT-Based Attacks:

o    Exploit vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices.


Remember, understanding these attack types helps us better defend against them. Stay vigilant and prioritize cybersecurity! 🔒👾


How can I protect myself from cyber-attacks?

How can I protect myself from cyber-attacks?
I clearly guide you on how you protect yourself from cyber-attacks easily.

Certainly! Protecting yourself from cyber-attacks is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Here are some essential steps you can take to enhance your cybersecurity:


1.    Enable Multifactor Authentication (MFA):

o    Turn on MFA for your accounts whenever possible. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification (such as a text message or authentication app) in addition to your password.

2.    Keep Your Software Updated:

o    Regularly update your software, including operating systems, applications, and antivirus programs. Enable automatic updates to stay protected against known vulnerabilities.

3.    Think Before You Click:

o    Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments. Phishing emails often trick users into revealing sensitive information or installing malware. Verify the sender’s legitimacy before taking any action.

4.    Use Strong, Unique Passwords:

o    Create complex passwords that include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

o    Avoid reusing passwords across different accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and manage your passwords.

5.    Secure Your Wi-Fi Network:

o    Change the default password for your router and use WPA3 encryption if available.

o    Disable remote administration and regularly check connected devices.

6.    Regularly Back Up Your Data:

o    Backup important files to an external drive or cloud storage. In case of a ransomware attack, having backups ensures you can restore your data.

7.    Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Emails and Calls:

o    Verify the identity of anyone requesting sensitive information. Scammers often impersonate legitimate organizations.

o    Avoid sharing personal details over the phone unless you initiated the call.

8.    Install Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software:

o    Use reputable security software to detect and remove malicious programs.

o    Regularly scan your devices for threats.

9.    Secure Your Social Media Accounts:

o    Adjust privacy settings to limit the information visible to others.

o    Be cautious about sharing personal details publicly.

10.                Educate Yourself and Stay Informed:

o    Learn about common cyber threats, phishing techniques, and safe online practices.

o    Stay updated on security news and follow best practices.


Remember, cybersecurity is a continuous effort. By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks. Stay vigilant and protect your digital presence! 🔒🌐

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My Android Hacking Apps Collection

👉Anonymity apps

👉3rd party app stores

👉Calls and SMS apps

👉Cryptography apps

👉DDoS apps

👉Forensic apps

👉Some learning apps

👉MITM Apps

👉Networking apps

👉Pen testing apps

👉Cam hacking apps

👉Sniffing apss

👉Terminal apps

👉Bombing apps

👉WhatsApp spying apps

👉WIFI hacking apps

Note- Most of these apps will work on rooted Android phones And Not Tested🌚 Try At Your Own Risk 

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